Magen’s picks – May 16

ALPHA MUSIC COLLECTORS CONVENTION, 10 a.m to 3 p.m. May 19, La Quinta Inn, 1281 S. Park Drive, Indianapolis. $4; $3 if you mention the Daily Journal. Thousands of music media available in multiple mediums and genres.

Music lovers who are looking for a hard-to-find piece of music can search at a convention this weekend.

The annual music collector’s convention is this weekend on the southside.

From rock to pop to jazz, nearly every genre of music will be represented.

Dealers will also sell thousands of pieces of music in 45s, 78s, LPs, tapes, DVDs and CDs.

ESSENTIAL OILS 101, 6:30 to 8 p.m.May 16, Franklin library, 101 State St. Stacy Quasebarth, essential oils consultant, will give an in-depth 101 class on what essential oils are, how they work and how you can use them.

Have you ever wondered how essential oils worked?

An expert on the oils will present at the Franklin library this weekend.

Essential oils can help with anything from a cough to helping spruce up the atmosphere of your home.