Letter: Mayor gets credit, but some projects need re-thought

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>In the May 8th edition of your paper, Greenwood Mayor Myers said he was interested in knowing what concerns the people who voted for Mr. Dale Marmaduke have. As a person who voted for Mr. Marmaduke, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the issues and concerns that swayed my vote. It is not that I think things are bad in our city. Several good and much needed improvements have happened under Mayor Myers’ leadership. Items that come to mind are:</p><p>1. I believe the police force, which has always been good, has become even more effective with the number of people we have in uniform.</p><p>2. The fire department has become much more professional and well trained, especially the EMT personnel.</p><p>3. The improvements made at Freedom Park and the pool are great assets to the community.</p><p>3. Creating the new city office building was much needed.</p><p>4. Developing the splash pad and the new park by fire station No. 1 were smart uses of those two properties.</p><p>5. Continuation of the leaf and limb pick up is great.</p><p>My concerns are:</p><p>1. The demolition of the middle school without a firm plan or developer in hand.</p><p>2. The use of a large portion of Craig Park to build a maintenance building. As an aside, what happened to the plaque which recognized some of our former city leaders who helped build the park?</p><p>3. The re-design of Madison Avenue (it just seems too narrow).</p><p>4. The new roundabout at Smith Valley and Old Meridian seems cramped. I find it difficult to go from northbound U.S. 31 to Old Meridian.</p><p>5. The money spent on Old Town store fronts and signage has not increased occupancy as was hoped.</p><p><p><strong>Ed Curley</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>