Inflation seems under control

For about a decade, the Federal Reserve Bank has been aiming to keep inflation at about two percent per year. They have that goal because Congress tells them to keep inflation in check. That instruction turns into a target for inflation (a general rise in the prices consumers pay), set at about two percent per year.

Why two percent? Most economists believe inflation in that neighborhood is like Goldilocks’ porridge …. neither too high nor too low. Higher inflation means your savings may be eaten away as the price of goods and services increase.

Imagine you planned to buy a chair for $100. You saved your money and when you had that amount in hand, you went to the store (or your computer) only to find that item now cost $110. You don’t have the money to buy it. The increase in the price of your chair is more than discouraging, and it may change how you live.

“From now on,” you think, “I’m going to buy what I want when I want it.” You now start to spend money you don’t have by borrowing what you don’t have. You borrow money from a friend, banker or loan shark.

Each person charges you interest on your loan. The amount of interest will depend on your relationship with the lender and his/her estimate (guess) about how much

a) s/he feels about giving up that money for the length of the loan, as well as, b) s/he expects prices to rise before you repay the loan.

Others also may expect inflation and start to buy now/pay later. Debts build up, people start to seek higher pay to get more money to pay off their loans as they face higher prices. The stimulated buying and higher prices get producers to make more chairs and everything else folks are buying from cribs to cruises.

Higher prices and higher wages stimulate good feelings, while higher debt keeps people energized to pay off their loans. It’s all so glorious; we know it will keep getting better as long as we buy and borrow. But if we stop buying, just a little bit, life can get nasty. Likewise, if we can’t borrow because lenders are getting concerned about our ability to repay, look out below.

The people who make the cupcakes we bought last week, but not this week, may be laid off. They now have less to spend but are still responsible for the same loan payments. They stop buying pizzas and the ball is rolling downhill… into a possible recession.

With low inflation, when prices are stable, there is less tendency to borrow to buy. The economy doesn’t buzz like bees in June and folks worry about slow growth. With deflation, when prices are falling, people hold onto their funds and wait for still lower prices before buying. Recession, even depression, is on its way.

For the past decade, inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), has averaged 1.8 percent per year. They’re smiling at the Fed.