Letter: History-ignorant article was actually opinion

Letter to editor:

On very rare occasions the Associated Press  writes an article worthy of reading. The May 18-19 article, “In Attorney General, president has found his champion, advocate” is not such an article. This op-ed piece, masquerading as serious journalism, proclaims, “[M]ore and more, Barr’s becoming Trump’s favorite lawyer.” This pointless read casts aspersions upon William Barr with the backdrop that his actions put our country in uncharted waters and create a “constitutional crisis.”

We now have a “constitutional crisis” because Barr failed to turn over an unredacted version of the Mueller report, refused to testify before a House committee and ignored subpoenas from a House committee. This contrived crisis, which seemed to first roam unabated between Rep. Jerrold Nadler’s ears, finds life in this pap opinion piece.

Interesting no constitutional crisis existed when President Obama’s AG, Eric Holder, said in an April 2013 interview, “I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy.” No crisis when, on June 19, 2012, a House committee voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to surrender documents over the Fast and Furious gun smuggling operation (the same day Obama invoked executive privilege).

No crisis existed when AG Loretta Lynch created an “appearance of impropriety” in privately meeting with former President Clinton while Lynch’s office oversaw the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Perhaps the AP wrote similar “champion and advocate” articles casting aspersions upon Holder and Lynch. Right.

This history-ignorant, sophomoric hit job on William Barr should have been relegated to the opinion page or better yet, the Daily Journal editor’s cutting room floor.

Stephen LePage

Center Grove