Letter: An answer to question of what’s not to love about president

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>In James Brown’s recent view point &quot;Support the president, recognize the value of tariffs&quot; in his letter on June 15, he questions what’s not to love about Trump. My viewpoint answers that question.</p><p>Here’s my list:</p><p>First, and foremost – Trump is a blatant traitor to this nation. Despite knowing full well at the time that Russia was attacking this nation’s election process in order to attempt to ensure his victory, Trump looked openly into the camera and point blank told Russia “I hope you find those e-mails.” Basically telling Vladimir Putin to keep up the good work and opened the door for a foreign dictator to influence this nation’s government at the highest level. Not particularly American as apple pie and baseball, that. And somehow, I just can’t figure out how that translates into loving your country.</p><p>I do not find that lovable. I find that to be treason. You can differ with your fellow countrymen on every single thing but the one line that was never okay to blur or cross was betraying your country. Those who support Trump and thought at the time that it was just funny entertainment either never learned, or flat out have forgotten what actual patriotism is. You do not — for any reason — support a man willing to encourage and over-look a foreign power attacking your nation. Trump shames and belittles this nation every single day he is in office.</p><p>Next, Trump was found by the Mueller investigation to having attempted to obstruct justice at least 10 times. Mueller clearly stated — “if we could have found him innocent we would have.” Trump would be indicted if he were not the president. He should be removed from office for his criminal behavior. And why so many believe Trump should be above the law is beyond me. But, I do know that dictators put themselves above the law. I just can’t find that lovable.</p><p>Our founding fathers put Congress in place to be a check on the power of the president to prevent this nation from falling into the hands of an ego-maniac with delusions of grandeur who believes he’s above the law. Congress is fulfilling their responsibility by investigating Trump. But sadly, they have to waste valuable time on that, instead of working on solutions to this nation’s challenges. Don’t love that either.</p><p>Next, I do not find a pathological liar too lazy and ignorant to read and understand our Constitution lovable. I don’t care what he tries to do to slow China’s market advancements. This nation has an arsenal of tools that should be used to strengthen our position in the global market and tariffs are just one. And everyone knows that. But between his limited vision and monumental ego that stops him from considering any other expertise, Trump automatically defaults to his blunt one-trick pony approach. What’s more, those other tools may end up useless once other nations adapt and find other markets to trade with. And they will adapt. The U.S. might be the biggest playground, but it ain’t the only playground.</p><p>Also, Mr. Brown, Adolph Hitler wasn’t supporting socialism. Socialism doesn’t subscribe to eliminating an entire race of human beings based on their religious beliefs or some other criteria; that’s fascism. And, more than one learned WWII historian has looked at the playbook Trump uses to discredit our press, our intelligence communities and our judicial system and found he compares more to Adolf Hitler than any other figure in history. Small wonder the White Supremacists adore him.</p><p>So, that’s Trump’s version of love for America; emulating Hitler’s tactics and following Putin’s lead.</p><p>That’s not lovable — that’s deranged and dangerous.</p><p><p><strong>Lisa Voiles</strong></p><p><p><strong>Whiteland</strong></p>