Letter: Corruption by Dems stacking up, ignored

To the editor:

In response to Mr. Joshua Guynn’s letter to the editor ("Time has come for president to be impeached," June 25).

The case for impeachment is wishful thinking at best for the left. He speaks of corruption but I may have missed his letters regarding the only real corruption which is never talked about. The most glaring is the pay for play Uranium 1 scandal where our Secretary Of State sold a lot of our Uranium to Russia then the Clinton Foundation received millions in "donations" from Russia. A blatant bribe yet the media remains silent. Then we have Biden’s son receiving millions from the Chinese.


Doubtful since his dad was VP. Yet the media remains silent. A fake dossier paid for by Clinton to try and destroy a presidential nominee. How about Adam "Schifty" Schiff getting caught on tape being pranked by Russian pranksters agreeing to accept dirt on Trump? Again the media is silent. The corruption is endless. Or how about the scathing guilty until proven innocent shameless attack on Justice Kavanaugh? Funny how once he got confirmed everybody went away. I get it, you despise Trump and would probably sell your soul to see him impeached. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and the left has it times 100.

Fortunately America saw through this and the power hungry, corrupt, tax-Americans-to-death democrats lost. I just have one question for all you TDS’ers: why would the Russians not want Clinton to win especially when she sold them our Uranium and had her in their pocket with their ‘donations?’

Dave Yager
