Letter: Trump a stellar example of American democracy at work

To the editor:

Reader response to ‘One should be rattled by these democracy-threatening steps’ opinion column in the July 12 Daily Journal.

Whoa! Rich Gotshall, retired journalist and guest columnist, sees including a question about U.S. citizenship in the 2020 Census, as being ‘democracy-threatening?’ Not me! I want to know if there are 22 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S., rather than the knee-jerk 11 million low estimate suggested by revenge-seeking Democrats and members of the ‘deep state.’

In my mind, that’s a key and right reason to include the citizenship question in the 2020 Census — to save our democracy from a Trojan horse electoral coup by illegal immigrant voters!

President Trump, contrary to Gotshall’s opinion, is a stellar example of American democracy at work, and his ‘getter done’ governing ethic! Oh, one may not like his in-your-face style and brusqueness, but he sure governs this nation well! Think low unemployment rate in general, minority unemployment rate in particular; job creation; wage growth; GDP increase; drop in food stamp usage; strong consumer confidence; many foreign policy triumphs; and, domestic agenda corrections (e.g. tax breaks, more federal judges, deregulation and increased energy production). What’s coming? End to sanctuary city funding, replacement of Obamacare, defense buildup, infrastructure repairs, and building the wall along our southern border! What more can we citizens ask of our president?

Frankly, several years of enduring op/ed column symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome, in the pages of the Daily Journal and elsewhere, I can hardly wait for the next presidential election to occur. At that time we’ll witness President Trump’s re-election and vindication, by the ever-growing base of American citizen voters tired of politicians flirting with socialism, late-term abortion advocacy, homeless takeover of major cities and Democrat race-baiting.

George Allen
