Letter: Find courage to offer tough love in fixing communities

To the editor:

“I would love to get rid of the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance if we could do that.” Those are the words of a city councilman from Arcata, Ca. who went on to add, “The necessity, for me, doesn’t exist outside of trying to promote adherence to the flag, which is starting to become a little archaic in my mind.”

That is a direct quote from Paul Pitino, an elected official in the United States of America.

How did this happen? When did the circuits between sanity and self-destruction in this country become crossed? How do these people get elected and by whom?

These twisted efforts at political correctness and social justice warriorism (not to be confused with real warriors) will be the death of this nation. And it isn’t just in Arcata. San Francisco just decided to rebrand “convicted felon” as “justice involved.” Seattle has rebranded “homeless’’ into “shelter challenged.” Seriously, when are we going to stop allowing the inmates to run the asylum?

Just a while back I got into a grand debate with a friend who supported legalizing all drugs. He said it would prevent cops from having to put their lives on the line during low-level drug busts. Yes, it might solve one problem, but what about the other 10 it creates? Hasn’t that essentially been tried in L.A., San Francisco and Seattle? And how is that working out for them? Their streets are sewers, their alleys are rat-infested disease pools and their neighborhoods are war zones. Businesses are crying out for help but the cops’ hands are tied. The good citizens and the local chamber of commerce are reduced to pleading for help from the same elected duds that created the problem.

What few answers they do get come in the form of more bureaucracy, more taxes and more efforts to comfort and appease the same people that are fouling their streets and killing their commerce. It is an insane policy of adding more bait to the trap that created these lost souls in the first place.

Someone elected these incompetent miscreants into office. Surely we cannot begin to expect more from our so called “leaders” unless and until we expect more from ourselves. There are those within our society that need tough love more than they need a tent or fresh needles and we need to rediscover the courage to provide it.

Mike Pflum
