A time to be thankful

Like a relatively normal person, I historically approach my holidays in a chronological sequence. But not this year. Miraculously, our Christmas trees are out of the barn, assembled and sparkling with lights — a definite world record in my home.

After I told a friend that I was thankful that I didn’t procrastinate until Dec. 22 this year, he asked with a hint of snark, “Mrs. Scrooge, what other quirky things are you thankful for?”

I’m so glad he asked. I’m thankful for:

1. Dried mud on the bottom of my boots that easily comes off when I bang the soles together.

2. Special moments like waiting until the Hubby is almost asleep and near his pillow-laden ear, quietly turning over his Primos “The Lil’ Can” (deer call) that makes a cacophonous doe bleet.

3. Sending and receiving old fashioned handwritten letters that come in the mail, with a stamp.

4. Laughter with friends and family that erupts from your gut, travels through your heart and overflows in tears.

5. Work.

6. The united cheers for musicians, athletes and artists of all ages.

7. Hearts of encouragement in the Daily Journal like the one I received a few weeks ago from Franklin resident Barbara Dushane (thanks Barbara!)

8. Organized drawers and closets — actually, just having drawers and closets.

9. Playing board games like Connect 4, Monopoly, Scrabble and Battleship.

10. Having a fence-line to clean.

11. Reading great books.

12. Having numerous leaves to rake — continuously.

13. Being healthy after being sick.

14. Tea kettles that sing.

15. Being encouraged after being disappointed.

16. Hanging out at the library.

17. Being inspired by others, whether it’s at a sporting event, play or grocery store.

18. A full tank of gas on a cold day.

19. Overhearing enthusiastic words of kindness spoken to a stranger.

20. Warm mittens and cats that cuddle in your lap.

21. Smiles.

22. Knowing there are only 32 days until Christmas.