Letter to the editor: Trump has made good on nearly all his promises

<strong>Letter to editor:</strong>

Is anyone else out there, in Daily Journal land (Johnson County), as fed up with the crass ("obtuse") political posturing of Franklin College professor John Krull, writing as a guest columnist in our local newspaper? Think so, as this letter to the editor is at least the second such critique received at the Daily Journal office this past week.

What troubles me about his ‘Who are we to question what our President does?’, is this columnist’s use of gaslighting (a form of psychological manipulation in which Krull attempts to sew seeds of doubt about President Trump) to attempt to make his point(s).

Since 2016, President Trump has made good on virtually all his campaign promises, Made America Great Again and improved life for just about everyone!

The large political cartoon on the same OPINION page as Krull’s column made me laugh out loud. When Santa tells the boy on his lap, “You have been naughty”, and the child replies, “Hearsay,” was, for me, the perfect metaphor. Either way, Santa could be President Trump talking to Krull; or Krull, as Santa, talking to President Trump. In both instances, the answer — like the Democrats during recent impeachment proceedings — is the same: Simply "Hearsay!"

It must be difficult to go through life as a self-proclaimed victim of, and persistent naysayer about, all the very good things occurring in our country since President Trump took office. Sure, he’s imperfect. We all are. But he sure knows how to get the job done. What job? Returning the work ethic and family values to our great land. Perhaps Professor Krull should move off campus for a while and get a real job; better yet, start a business, and learn what it’s like to "make payroll week after week after week!"

<strong>George Allen</strong>
