A new perspective on New Year’s Eve

Since 2020 is a brand new decade, I wanted to be dynamically creative and bring it in fresh, de novo. Because I’ve celebrated New Year’s Eve as a child awaiting my bandleader Dad to bring home extra sparkly hats, horns and party leis from gigs he’s played, and later at 1980s Indianapolis discothèques, I sought something completely different this year. A New Year’s Eve spa day.

Yes, try not to be envious. I actually greeted the New Year by spending 24 hours lounging the entirety of the day in my luxurious daybed (that’s what you call a normal bed when you’ve been in it all day). Instead of deciding between wearing my silver/navy sequin, floor-length gown or black pantsuit for dancing, I substituted in my gray sweats.

Instead of delicately choosing between silver hoop or gold-tiered chandelier earrings, I was haphazardly grasping for my box of ultra-soft Puff tissue, vitamin C capsules and Hall Breezer cough drops. Occasionally the bedroom door would open to a fresh cup of hot tea with honey.

I choose to think I left 2019 behind, so as to enter 2020 appreciating my good health. We’ll go with that.

As the other 100% healthy members of my household pranced off to family gatherings or casual shopping, I sniffled, coughed and hacked my way to breathing-in 2020.

In the intermittent moments of consciousness, I made a few delirious decisions:

While forcing myself to get 10-seconds of frigid fresh air midday, I fed the bluebirds their favorite mealworm meal, since they’d been singing to me through my bedroom window. At that moment, I had a sudden revelation that two bundles of white birch limbs recently purchased would look perfect as a focal point in my two blue glazed planters on the porch. My day was not totally wasted.

I confirmed my love for the new “pencil sketch” gray paint color on our walls. (I’ve had time to admire them more than usual lately, as I lay procumbent.)

I shall finish reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” before the end of 2019 — or the first weekend in 2020 — only 100 pages to go … zzzz.

I’m excited and await in expectation of what 2020 shall bring even though the 2020 eve was quite still.