Letter: Letter to the editor: It’s dangerous to limit our sources of news

To the editor:

I’ve noted a request in some letters to limit voices to those who echo their ideas. I try to listen to ideas from many sources, and to use judgment to know which ones have validity. While we know that liberal and progressive writers are anti-Trump, conservatives are split.

Writers and pundits who have supported the president include: Victor Davis Hansen, Hugh Hewitt, Marc Thiessen, Henry Olsen, Bill Bennett, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Dick Morris, David Horowitz, Newt Gingrich, Dennis Prager, Michelle Malkin, Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson, Steve Doocy and Laura Ingraham.

Conservative writers and pundits who have written in opposition to the president include: George Will, David Brooks, Linda Chavez, Paul Gigot, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes, Meghan McCain, David Frum, Nicolle Wallace, Ana Navarro, Susan Del Percio, Joe Scarborough, Richard Painter, Jennifer Rubin, Stuart Stevens, Rick Wilson, SE Cupp, Jon Podhoretz, Michael Gerson, Michael Steele, Steve Schmidt, Charlie Dent and Ramesh Ponnuru.

As for deciding which publications are more trustworthy and if they have a bias, I use this source that rates news sites: mediabiasfactcheck.com.

If we limit our choices in news sources, and aren’t aware of which we can trust, I fear we will never agree on anything. And I applaud The Daily Journal for providing information that I like, and that I don’t like.

David Thompson
