Letter: Letter to editor Nancy Voris

To the editor:

Every year, Hoosiers make New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight, eating healthy, getting fit and quitting tobacco all make the top of the list. But by the end of January, the majority of those goals have been abandoned, leaving many feeling discouraged and disappointed in themselves.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Sometimes healthy resolutions can be unrealistic or too broad to actually accomplish. So think of several small, more achievable goals that will eventually lead to your ultimate goal — living a healthier life.

The first step to success with your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t think of them as just “New Year” resolutions. View it as a healthy lifestyle change you are committed to working at throughout the year. Your health is worth it.

1. Move more throughout the day. This doesn’t have to involve hitting the gym for 45 minutes, although that can certainly help. This can be as simple as walking up the escalator or taking the stairs. Park farther away in parking lots. Go for a stroll around the office once an hour. Get outside for 10 minutes a day. Stretch while watching TV. The little things will all add up. Do squats while brushing your teeth — make use of those two minutes!

2. Be more thoughtful about what you eat and drink. Drink a glass of water when you wake up in the morning. Take your coffee or tea without sweetener. Focus on chewing all the food in your mouth before taking another bite and savor the taste. Ditch soda for a day, or a week. Take healthy snacks to work — a homemade trail mix is easy and requires no cooking. Make a list for the grocery store and stick to it. You’ll save money and ignore any last minute cravings.

3. Take care of yourself. Feel stress coming on? Focus on your breathing. Stay off of social media for 24 hours to see how it feels not being "connected." Read a book; it’s good for your mind. Plan a vacation — little or big. Taking a break from the “norm” will make you feel replenished and rejuvenated. Give yourself an at-home spa day — a bath can help you relax and wind down after a long day. Spend more time with family and friends.

4. Sleep more. This one is always hard, but try these simple tips to be more restful. Turn off all electronics 20 minutes before you go to bed. Put the alarm in a location where you’re forced to get up to turn it off. You’ll be less likely to hit the snooze button. Speaking of the snooze button, resist the urge to use it. That eight extra minutes of sleep may seem really appealing, but it disrupts your circadian rhythm and can make you more tired during the day.

5. Quit tobacco use. Did you know that it can take a former smoker as many as seven quit attempts before they are successful? If you’re a tobacco user, the best thing you can do in 2020 is to make a quit plan.

Quit plans can improve your chances of quitting tobacco for good. They combine quit smoking strategies to keep you motivated to quit, and they also help identify challenges you might face and ways to overcome them.

Tips for success:

  • Make the decision – Set a quit date and stick to it. Think about your reasons and motivations for quitting.
  • Build a support system – Tell your family, friends and co-workers that you plan to quit. Get the professional help you need to succeed.
  • Ask for medication and use it correctly – Talk with your health care provider about nicotine replacement therapy or other options.
  • Learn new behaviors and skills – Change your daily routine and remove triggers of using tobacco.
  • Be prepared to fight – Relapse or difficult times may occur, but don’t let small mistakes discourage you or make you give up altogether.

You can get free, confidential help by calling 1-800-Quit-Now or visit QuitNowIndiana.com.

Resolutions can be hard, but be patient. It can take some time to make a complete lifestyle change. Remember it’s OK to slip up sometimes; just remember to get back on track before you lose your motivation. You can make 2020 your healthiest and happiest year yet.

Nancy Voris

Tobacco Program Coordinator
