Letter: Letter to the Editor: Not a fan of axe-throwing as entertainment

To the editor:

Would someone explain why the city government and/or zoning board and/or various other appropriate boards and/or departments have allowed a bar with AXE THROWING as "ENTERTAINMENT" to be opened in downtown Greenwood?

I’ve lived here all my life. This is a great city. I love this city. I have had my disagreements with city officials over the years, but by and large I have been very pleased with our progress. I have taken the time to compliment our public officials and police, fire and street departments on many occasions.

This AXE THROWING situation is a safety hazard in the making. Have you lost your minds? I’m all for businesses opening in our wonderful city. Have we decided to give up common sense in the pursuit of being fashionable and popular? Shame on us for caving in to some cockeyed notion of drawing a few extra dollars into our business community at the expense of civility and common sense.

Timothy P. Jeffers
