Letter: Moms Demand Action group’s mission is misguided

To the editor:

This past week MOMS DEMAND ACTION showed up at the Statehouse and garnered the obligatory TV coverage by all the local stations. Their message, though parsed in reasonable sounding sound bites, was simple; “We helpless but compassionate mothers want guns gone. Won’t you help us?"

For what it’s worth, I fully support their right to speak even while I loathe everything they espouse. Furthermore, I would defend their right to speak as fervently as I would my own even while wondering if they would say the same.

I watched their coverage and listened to their talking points. I found them deceitful and weak. I say deceitful because the solution they seek is not the answer to their fears but the propaganda of their puppeteers. I say they are weak because they lack the courage and will to address the real problems of violence.

I could respect this group and perhaps even join it if their offerings had so much as a slim chance of addressing the root causes of violence, but they don’t. I could join them if instead they:

Hounded the prosecutors and judges that permit real gun crimes to be plead down, but they don’t.

Challenged other mothers not to allow their kids to join gangs, but they don’t.

Confronted other mothers as to why so many of our youth are involved in drug trafficking, but they don’t.

Acknowledged the existence of an evil in the world that cannot be talked down, but they don’t.

Called for armed security in our schools rather than leaving them defenseless in “Gun Free” Zones, but they don’t.

Could understand the hypocrisy of sending our 18-year-old sons and daughters around the world to defend their freedom with a rifle while denying them the same weapon in their own back yard, but they don’t.

Respected my right to pass a legal firearm on to my son, but they don’t.

They aren’t moms demanding action; they are moms serving as puppets to the gun grabbers. Their mission is to sound concerned and compassionate. Their goal is chip away at gun ownership until it’s gone. They are playing the long game and if they have to lie along the way, so be it.

There is no honor, courage or chance of success in this approach, and I pray that true patriots will use whatever forum is available to oppose these misguided moms.

Mike Pflum
