Letter: Letter to the editor: Virgina gun rally didn’t go as Democrats planned

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Democrats waking up the day after the big Virginia Lobby Day rally must really be disappointed. Despite thousands of people showing up with guns loaded for bear not a shot was fired, not a single person was injured and not a single arrest was made. What a magnificent opportunity lost. And if you are a Democrat, don’t pretend not to know what I mean.</p><p>Could there be a better example of what the media and Democrat leadership thinks of you than in Virginia this month? Not likely.</p><p>In the days leading up to the Virginia Lobby Day rally, the media dripped with anticipation. They couldn’t wait for the people they despise more than any other to show up and “light the match,” but no one did. Oh, but they did show up.</p><p>Democrats loathe that you legally own a firearm and are in a position to protect yourself. They despise your support of the second and the fourth amendments and that you dare to speak to power. For that you are a right wing extremist and cannot be trusted. You refuse to give up that most precise right, which protects you from falling under their feet, and they don’t like that.</p><p>Let that sink in for a moment.</p><p>How is it that when women rally for their causes they aren’t extremists? How come when the LGBT groups rally they aren’t labeled haters? Why are minority groups not fenced in and threatened when they rally in support of their rights the way we were? Why aren’t these groups threatened with being transitioned to overnight felons like second amendment supporters are?</p><p>Law abiding gun owners in Virginia are under attack and they don’t like it. They face the realization that soon, they could go to sleep legally owning a firearm or a magazine that holds too many rounds and wake up the next felons by decree. How would you feel?</p><p>How can this be in a free and constitutional America?</p><p>Whether you think evil of gun owners or not understand this; the Virginia rally took place and not a shot was fired. No American flags were burned, no cars were overturned and not a single storefront was damaged. Did they chant? Yes, and when they did it was “USA! USA!” Did they sing? Yes, and when they did it was Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to be an American.” How then can they be terrorists? Who then were they a threat to?</p><p>Virginians are witnessing an oppressive movement by a tyrannical government and they did precisely what our founding fathers expected of them. They stood up for their rights.</p><p><p><strong>Mike Pflum</strong></p><p><p><strong>Martinsville</strong></p>