Letter: Letter to the editor: Greenwood city officials deserve commendation

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I recently attended a Greenwood city council meeting on Jan. 20. One of the items on the agenda regarded the city’s trash services. There was a proposed fee increase of $.25 on top of the current schedule.</p><p>Most might have been irked by this, but it was explained how this will used. We will have better equipment for these services and the controller noted that outside of city limits, the costs for any alternative would be at least 45% higher than what the city offers.</p><p>Council member Linda Gibson was also shrewd to note that several options and services increases confusion and reduces aesthetics. Instead, this single-layer is able to be more efficient, less confusing and able to cover all of Greenwood for a service they need.</p><p>Based on the vociferous support from council member J. David Hopper and Linda Gibson, and all but one of the council members, the rest of the county wishes they could have such a service.</p><p>Thank you to our city officials for being able to give this to our city.</p><p><p><strong>Kyle Swain</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>