Letter: Letter to the editor: A novel rationale: ‘Hopefully it’ll be instructive’

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>On &quot;Meet the Press&quot; on Jan. 26, Sen. Mike Braun all but admitted President Donald Trump has acted inappropriately and possibly violated his oath to &quot;…preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.&quot;</p><p>Sen. Braun has indicated he would vote to acquit President Trump, and he was challenged by Chuck Todd regarding whether President Trump would be emboldened to continue his behavior following an acquittal by the Senate. Sen. Braun stated, &quot;Hopefully it’ll be instructive.&quot;</p><p>Should we acquit a corporation that defrauds the government on Medicare expenses because &quot;hopefully it’ll be instructive?&quot;</p><p>Should we acquit a domestic abuser because &quot;hopefully it’ll be instructive?&quot;</p><p>Many of us are getting ready to prepare and file our income taxes. Can we count on being acquitted of cheating on our taxes because &quot;hopefully it’ll be instructive?&quot;</p><p>This type of disregard for the Constitution and rule of law is where President Trump has led us and is a danger to our democracy.</p><p><p><strong>Thomas Blake</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>