Letter: Letter to the editor: Which despotic regime will influence our election?

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I am tired of watching the Republicans politicize the impeachment process. I suppose it’s because they don’t have a leg to stand on. There is plenty of damming evidence against Donald Trump acting on his own behalf and not in the interests of the American people. The Republicans remind me of a poker player sitting there with no good cards trying to bluff his way into stealing the pot.</p><p>They could not successfully argue against the evidence so their only defense was to try and deligitimize the impeachment process. The Republicans have enough control over the media to make it look like they have valid arguments when they really don’t have one. If people wise up to what is going on, the Republicans know that they could take a bath in the 2020 elections.</p><p>The talk radio programs make me sick to my stomach with how biased they are. The lone exception to this is NPR. NPR is not financed by private corporations, yet all the other stations are owned by corporations, thus giving only a corporate view to which Republicans are beholden.</p><p>I suppose the Republicans will continue to suppress the growing number of disenfranchised from voting in 2020 or to not even count all the votes like they did in the 2000 presidential election. Remember when it came down to Florida in deciding the next president. It probably didn’t matter one bit that George Bush’s brother Jeb was the governor of Florida in that critical vote count. These days, we let the Russians decide our elections. Who knows, this year it may be the Chinese or the North Koreans who participate.</p><p><p><strong>Rex Ellis</strong></p><p><p><strong>New Whiteland</strong></p>