Letter: To the naysayers: COVID-19 is no hoax

To the editor:

Mr. George Allen questions why a political cartoon would make such a “stupid recommendation” about turning Fox News off as part of a parody COVID-19 public service announcement.

Before answering that question, we should first examine what real, unadulterated, mind-boggling, monumental stupidity truly looks like. And that would be the President of the United States suggesting, out loud on live television no less and for whatever reason, that perhaps injecting disinfectant spray might get rid of the virus.

Now, to Mr. Allen’s question: Perhaps because Fox News purposely joined President Donald Trump in spreading his initial propaganda that the coronavirus warnings were just “fake” news and “a Democratic hoax.”

Thus, supporting and reinforcing President Trump’s decision to dismiss his responsibility to spearhead a pro-active preparation plan for this nation to minimize the loss of life, jobs and devastation to our economy to any degree possible.

This nation could have benefited immeasurably if we had a president who would have directed the full resources of his administration to help prepare our country against a clear and unstoppable danger coming straight at us. One with enough foresight and maturity to ramp up purchase and production of critically needed medical supplies. And to work with other world leaders and the entire Congress to develop a coordinated strategy to minimize the cataclysmic impact of this pandemic on this nation.

But instead, we had President Trump, who did nothing, and Fox News telling viewers that this was another “Democratic hoax.”

So far, President Trump and Fox’s little bit of “fake news" has killed thousands of Americans, overwhelmed untold numbers of health care systems while courageous health care professionals—God bless them—risk orphaning their own children to take care of our sorry backsides, and 26 million and counting Americans have lost jobs, countless of which are certain never to return.

And the same Fox News backed President Trump who labeled this a hoax is the same “stable genius” who, despite that even in his reality TV based world one and one still equals two, couldn’t piece together that a nation too sick to work and people dying in droves was a safe bet to tank the economy. To act sooner rather than later was prudent.

What else will President Trump and his feeble yes-men administration dismiss that will cripple us and our recovery further and that Fox will reflexively report on his behalf as a “hoax?”

Lisa Voiles
