Letter: Only God can stop pandemic in its tracks

To the editor:

I am very grateful for round-the-clock efforts invested by our government leaders and their teams in trying to shield society from this global pandemic. I also thank front-line workers, including first responders and health care workers, as well as food service, delivery drivers, postal and grocery employees, and the behind-the-scenes persons who are serving at risk to their health. My thanks to teachers and school employees, church leaders and so many others who have stepped up to reach out through digital means, mail and parades. Some consider this fight fabricated, and others “won.” Others predict months more of this “new normal.”

Whatever the truth, my heart hurts for those grieving and suffering in this and other countries, including senior adults and senior students, as well as those who mourn a loved one’s passing from a distance. As a family pastor in Greenwood, I see so many situations, and I am so grateful that “In God we trust.” More than that, though, I celebrate that our God is trustworthy, good and powerful, particularly when our fragile lives begin to fall apart.

So why do I take time to write? One, I want to say thanks, to the people above and especially to Christ Jesus my Lord. I confess, though, a fear, the second reason I write. I fear that we will give credit to the great human efforts displayed as our society comes together to vanquish a common enemy.

I appreciate these efforts, but throughout Scripture, in good and bad times, our God always called His people to turn back to Him. This was the message of Christ Jesus, too, in the Gospel. Only God can create out of nothing. Only God can govern the weather. Only God can stop a global pandemic in its tracks. There is only one Savior. He deserves all praise, glory and honor as He rescues and heals during this time. Would you join me in humbling ourselves and turning toward and calling out to our matchless God, Who is rich in mercy?

Jeremy K. Van Deman
