Letter: This is America right now

To the editor:

Where convicted criminals are pushed out of jail for fear of the coronavirus but hair salon owners going broke are pushed in to jail for opening during the virus?

Where the first thing the “medical experts” did when the pandemic fired up was send infected school children home to their grandparents?

Where the first thing the “political experts” did when the pandemic fired up was send infected people to nursing homes?

Where the FBI is now free to review your web browsing history without a warrant?

Where CBS is caught not once, not twice, but three times falsifying video to hype the panic around the virus, and no one is fired?

Where criminals often, proudly, post their illegal activities on Facebook?

Where San Francisco is paying out $200 per night ($100 million annually) to house the homeless in downtown hotels?

Where anyone staying in a hotel for 30 consecutive nights somehow acquires tenancy rights?

Where the government (state, local and federal) now decide if you are essential or not?

Where the local carpet stores are forced to close, but you can walk into Home Depot and buy carpet?

Where you can be surfing all by yourself, but be sited for failing to engage in proper social distancing?

Where telephone apps enable you to “snitch” on your neighbor for failure to comply with “approved” behavior?

Where you are still removing your shoes at the airport 11 years after a single shoe bomber event?

Where 20% of the population joined Bernie Sanders in calling for the elimination of the same private pharmaceutical companies we’ve all counted on to save us during this pandemic?

Where the entire “House of Representatives” is sent home and benched while the Speaker of the House single-handedly assumes the responsibility of negotiating the most expensive relief package in American history?

Where “every women is to be believed” when attacking Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but “the benefit of a doubt” is owed to Joe Biden?

Where a cowardly and disgraced deputy that hid behind his car while school kids were shot to death gets his job back with full back pay?

Mike Pflum
