Letter: Leave reopening decisions to top leaders

To the editor:

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth has been in the news giving his views on reopening the country following the COVID-19 pandemic. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, it seems to me these decisions are the responsibility of the President and Indiana Governor. They have the information and expertise to make those decisions and the ability to see the bigger picture. Let’s let them decide how to reopen the state.

Congress will be in recess for more than a month due to the virus concerns. The Lt. Governor of Texas had a great idea in suggesting that house members take a pay cut since they are at home and not currently working. This is a great suggestion and especially relevant given the Indiana unemployment issues pointed out in the Daily Journal. The idea that a significant portion of the country is not working and not getting paid should be shared with our representatives so they can experience the hardships and challenges the rest of the country is going through.

I did email this comment to the congressman’s office but have not gotten a response. I would also like to know about the hundreds of citizens Hollingsworth talked with as referenced in his comments. If you have ever communicated with his office, you receive a form letter back that has no relevance to the question posed.

But again, these decisions are for the Governor and the President, so let’s let them do their job, and Congress can try and do its job.

Robert Brian
