Letter: Big city mayors should crawl out of their holes

To the editor:

The mayors of our large national cities remind me of a bunch of groundhogs. They come out every morning and meet the press, then see their shadows. As progressive mayors, they progress back to their offices, crawl under their desks, and sleep there until the next morning at press time.

They show up to meet the press and say that they saw no anarchists on their streets the night before. Of course, they didn’t. They were burrowed up under their desks fast asleep.

How can people vote for these progressive Democrats that will not protect their cities from riots? They will not back up their own police departments that try to keep the peace. Why don’t they go out there at night and stand with their officers? Oh, I forgot, they are under their desks asleep.

The next morning they go out and tell about the peaceful protest they had the day before. They did not see all the mayhem that went on the night before because they were under their desks asleep. Shops and stores, whose owners probably voted for these mayors, were broken into and looted. A police station was burned down. Police officers had been shot. Others had been injured. The rest had been abused.

They watched as our national monuments were desecrated. I am afraid if this keeps up, the officers will become like Popeye the sailor man and not be able to take it anymore and pull out their spinach. Then, these mayors will put all the blame on the officers and none on themselves. After all, when all this happened, they were under their desks like good groundhogs asleep.

Maybe you think I missed the mark by calling them groundhogs. OK. They are like little boy blue that couldn’t blow his horn because he was fast asleep under the haystack.

On the other hand, President Donald Trump was going out to a church the anarchists tried to burn down, and he stood in front of it, Bible in hand. This reminds me of President Andrew Jackson on his deathbed. He pointed to the Bible and said, "That book, Sir, is the Rock upon which our republic rests, the bulwark of our free institutions."

James Brown
