Letter: A war-time president? Not quite.

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>When President Donald Trump could no longer avoid acknowledging the coronavirus, he pompously declared himself a “war-time president.” </p><p>OK.</p><p>However, given his track record for ignoring, dismissing or discrediting critical information handed to him from credible sources, Kim Jong-Un could put a flashing neon sign on the White House lawn with the date, time and coordinates of where his missiles would hit us and our great “war-time” leader would declare it “fake news” or a “Democratic hoax.”</p><p>Then, he’d walk through the White House rubble declaring that nobody told him about an imminent attack. Or change the story to the Intel wasn’t credible or confirmed, so there was no reason for him to see it, conveniently laying blame on the yes-men he conditioned to avoid angering him so he could remain conveniently unaware.</p><p>Next, he’d tell his generals it’s not his job to help them; to go find their own supplies and weapons. And don’t expect decent Intel because he’s shambled and discredited our intelligence agencies to avoid focus on his Russian dealings. But if it helps, he’ll be here politicizing whether wearing protective gear is worth the effort to win the war or not—because that’s working swell for America against that fake virus thingy. And if you get nerve gassed, try injecting some Lysol.</p><p>Dismissing a pandemic virus. Discrediting reports of Russian bounties on U.S. soldier’s heads. Endorsing Russian interference in our 2016 election. Impeached for offering a military bribe to Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 election. Turning our military on our own countrymen for peaceful protesting, and trampling on their First Amendment rights. Denigrating a grieving Gold Star family. Threatening the press. A corrupt Attorney General. Eliminating government over-sight positions. Debasing the Bible for a cheesy visual. Terrorizing infants and children by throwing them into cages.</p><p>President Trump’s supporters may get some emotional gratification from acknowledging him as their “war-time” president. But as the war he leads is primarily against American citizens, American values, the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. military through his unfailing deference to Vladimir Putin—those of us who actually appreciate the monumental sacrifices made and lives lost by every military personnel who ever fought for and served this nation—would get a bigger thrill with a fully grown rational adult possessing a conscience and true American values in the White House, rather than the phenomenally anti-American, dangerously incompetent hoax sitting there now.</p><p><p><strong>Lisa Voiles</strong></p><p><p><strong>Whiteland</strong></p>