Letter: May God watch over those in blue

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I am saddened to see on the news the police being victimized while they are trying to put law and order back into our lives. I see where some want the police department to be defunded, dismantled and reimagined. I think they need to be defended and funded.</p><p>They go out each and every day to protect us citizens from burglaries, child abductions, domestic violence and murder, the list could just go on and on. Where would we be if there was no police to call if someone broke in our homes, a shooter appeared in our school hallway or spouse decided they would use their hands not their voice to talk to us?</p><p>The police are here to enforce the law, to ensure the health and safety of us citizens, and to protect us from crime and civil disorder.</p><p>Where would we be without them? I think we would be in a land of mayhem and lawlessness, a land of vigilantes.</p><p>I am not stating the police are perfect. Maybe they need more training programs and more to be out in the communities, but I also know one bad person in a profession doesn’t make all that profession bad nor do I believe one man defines mankind.</p><p>We need the police to protect and serve here in this country. If we want our America as we know it, we must speak up. Write your mayor, senator, congressman, governor and president … you have a right to be heard.</p><p>May God watch over the men and women in blue.</p><p><p><strong>Angie White</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>