Letter: Vulnerable populations need more help

To the editor:

Every Hoosier is facing an individual experience with unique issues.

However, a concern that many Hoosiers have collectively is supporting themselves and their families during this crisis. It is vital to our economy and society that Americans have a guaranteed living support that allows them to be protected from contracting or spreading the virus without fear of being unable to survive.

Hoosiers need access to the same level of support that has been given to corporations and the wealthy. This support includes monthly payments to aid in Hoosier survival. This type of support will help keep small businesses open and will support Hoosier’s individual needs such as rent, debt and food.

I have seen the impacts of job loss during this time. I have personally lost two sources of income as a college student, and seen many of my peers struggle with similar dilemmas. Many students and non-students are now forced to work in environments that can expose them to COVID-19, such as grocery stores and at recreation centers.

I am calling on Senator Braun and Senator Young to pass a federal relief bill which supports Hoosiers and protects vulnerable populations.

Lauryn Denney
