Letter: Indianapolis leaders need to get it together

To the editor:

Recent news that at least two longtime, venerable business on Indianapolis’ Monument Circle are closing should be the latest in a long list of wake up calls to city officials, but it won’t be.

They will ignore the underlying message of those departures and move to further capitulation to the “squeaky wheels” just as they have been.

We’ve witnessed administrative orders for police to “stand down” in other areas of the country and said, “That won’t happen here,” except it has. Last month, two protesters pointed weapons at a civilian truck in broad daylight on Meridian Street, and there wasn’t a police officer within 50 yards. Clearly, just as in other Democrat controlled cities, the order was out: “Give them their space.”

Officials will wrap themselves in deflection because we have to “honor Freedom of Speech.” Really? Is armed protesters pointed real weapons a form of free speech? What about the rights of the truck driver to peaceably drive through Indianapolis?

I’ve lived in the Indianapolis area all my life and watched the steady decline of the east side and how it spread to other areas of the city. (Remember when Lafayette and Washington Square were premier malls? Remember how Circle Center was a key focal point and is now an eye sore?)

Leadership won’t address the real problems — only the symptoms. God bless the few clergy who are stepping up to identify and address the real problems. Too bad their efforts are being subjugated to the drug dealers, homeless and loud-mouthed Marxists who could care less about communities they’ve infested. Too bad all they are getting is lip service from a mayor way more concerned about his path to the governor’s mansion than the bodies piling up at the morgue and the businesses shuttering.

Indianapolis is going to get a lot worse if the city’s administration doesn’t start caring more about the body and lost business count than the childlike rants of the Marxist cowards.

Mike Pflum
