Letter: Debate made it increasingly difficult to support Trump

To the editor:

The presidential debate was a disgrace, an insult to the American people and an embarrassment to our country.

The two candidates for the highest office in the land came across as two name calling third graders in a food fight. While I will continue to support Trump for reasons related to his broad agenda and policy positions, Trump’s flawed personal character, narcissism and sophomoric rhetoric make that support increasingly difficult.

He’s his own worst enemy, and seems incapable of defending his own agenda — and considerable accomplishments — in an objective, statesmanlike manner worthy of the highest office in the land.

By rudely disregarding agreed upon rules of debate from the very beginning, Trump’s behavior actually made Biden appear much more worthy of the office of president than he really is. The two most reasonable, adult people on the debate stage were moderator Chris Wallace and Joe Biden — in that order.

David Nealy
