Letter: Ruff works for Main Street, not Wall Street

To the editor:

I’m writing in support of Andy Ruff, who represented my neighborhood on the Bloomington City Council for 20 years. A lifelong southern Indiana Hoosier, Andy is running for Congress in Indiana’s Ninth District. He advocates for better wages, worker’s rights, environmental protections and expanding access to health care, and he speaks out against gerrymandering and the outsized influence of billionaires and corporate money flooding into our elections.

Andy is running against Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-Indiana), who moved to Indiana five years ago. Big-money industries, including insurance, banking, real estate, pharmaceutical, lobbying and fossil fuels contribute to Trey’s campaigns. Trey voted for bills detrimental to seniors, including raising the age of eligibility for Medicare, adding an “age tax” for Hoosiers over 50, freezing funding for Social Security and voting against USPS funding.

Worst of all, Hollingsworth is an ally of President Donald Trump, who lies about the pandemic, ignores the Constitution he swore to protect, won’t agree to accept the outcome of the election, breaks the law while claiming to be for law and order, calls veterans losers and suckers and wants to pay for his deficit-expanding tax breaks for the top 1% and corporations by cutting Social Security and Medicare, and paid a mere $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017, much less than the average worker.

Vote for Andy Ruff, who works hard for policies that benefit main-street Hoosiers, not Wall Street interests.

Julie Songer
