Letter: Republican candidate would follow in Burton’s footsteps

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Woody Burton has served as state representative for Indiana District 58 for 30 years. As our long-time servant, Burton recently decided to retire. Over the course of his career, Burton has been instrumental in multiple aspects of government for the residents of District 58.</p><p>As someone in the real estate industry, he has been crucial in drafting legislation to support those in professional positions such as the one he occupies as he has much experience and at stake in that role.</p><p>He has been a key part of making sure the local municipal governments of Greenwood, Whiteland and New Whiteland have direct oversight from the state to direct how cities conduct their local finances. Left alone to their own decisions, our local governments would have conducted themselves quite differently. Adding layers of review and oversight has been a core focus these past 32 years.</p><p>While he is retiring, he has made clear his chosen successor to District 58 is Michelle Davis. Special interests have helped Davis raise over $60,000 to survive a highly contested primary. We know based on history that the winner in November for this open seat — if one of our county Republicans — will be able to remain in office as long as they choose to occupy it.</p><p>Burton is a known commodity as representative of our wonderful district, and we know that Michelle Davis will follow and govern in his footsteps. The other option is independent-minded Cindy Reinert this fall for the same position.</p><p>Who among us can’t wait for another 32 years of Rep. Woody Burton?</p><p><p><strong>Kyle Swain</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>