Letter: Enough is enough

To the editor:

I had to do a double take when I saw Whiteland Community High School band members practicing outside with masks on. I blame the crazed Democrats and liberal teachers for fanning the flames of fear about the coronavirus. They have effectively taken an economy that was racing along seamlessly like a Porsche, threw sugar by the name of COVID-19 in the gas tank and the wheels fell off.

The mainstream media has convinced a lot of simpletons the sky is falling. If I only watched the mainstream media, I’d believe bodies are dropping all over. Funny how the greenies didn’t moan and wring their hands over all those fossil fuels we burned rushing that hospital ship to New York City that left after a month of treating COVID patients. 

Where was this level of doom during SARS? The Swine flu? The Democrats have nuked America all because they despise Trump and fear his re-election.

Millions of people lost their jobs and countless small businesses will not recover and in fact may shutter. But that’s just collateral damage as long as it hurts Trump. Just think how much better off America would be if Democrats actually worked with Trump. 

It’s past time we ended this hysteria over a flu with a 97.3% survival rate. Open up the U.S. again. End the mask mandate. If you’re elderly, very young or have underlying health issues, of course take precautions, but let me decide that, not some politician in some ivory tower.

Let the kids play sports or march in a band without this doomsday attitude. I have a better chance of successfully taking out my appendix only using tools in my garage watching a YouTube how-to video than I do of dying from COVID-19.

David Yager
