Letter: Myers to be recognized for city’s improvement, vision in Old Town project

To the editor:

As a longtime resident of Old Town Greenwood, I cannot believe the changes that have taken place over the past few years. In 2011, Mark Myers campaigned to revitalize Old Town. Unlike many politicians, he’s delivered on that promise.

Home values were once on a continuous decline. Not anymore. Property values have risen significantly, as has interest in people wanting to live in Old Town. Our neighborhoods have become more active and neighbors more engaged.

Due to Mayor Myers and his team’s efforts, business in Old Town has been revitalized as well. Our commercial spaces used to have less than 30% occupancy. That number is now north of 95%. Businesses sense the energy in Old Town and want to be a part of its promising future.

As far as your story on the riverfront project I found it to be less than complete. A project of this size takes time. I believe that it is the single greatest project since the Greenwood Park Mall was imagined.

I’ve always been proud to call Greenwood home. This is an amazing community with good, hardworking people. Considering where Old Town was headed, and the complete turnaround since Mayor Myers took office, I think it’s important  to recognize his tremendous contributions to our city.

Christopher Burton
