ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: A burden Hoosier voters must bear

<p>The (Bloomington) Herald Times</p><p>Regarding the September ruling requiring Indiana to count absentee ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 and received by 10 days after Election Day — you know, the one rejecting the state’s noon Election Day deadline to receive those ballots …</p><p>The one that acknowledged how the earlier deadline, in the midst of a public health crisis, creates an additional burden for voters …</p><p>Yes, that ruling. Well, nevermind.</p><p>Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit summarily reversed the ruling. The appellate court wrote that while the COVID-19 pandemic has “caused great loss,” it is “not a good reason for the federal judiciary to assume tasks that belong to politically responsible officials.”</p><p>The court pointed to the month-long option to vote in person, noting that if people were worried their ballot wouldn’t make it in time, they have plenty of options before Election Day.</p><p>That means that mail-in ballots must once again be received by noon on Nov. 3 to be counted. Repeat: Mail-in ballots must be received be noon on Nov. 3 to be counted.</p><p>Which also means that in an election year like no other in memory, Indiana is making it more difficult, not easier, for voters to exercise their constitutional right.</p><p>Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill applauded the decision. He had argued that changes to Indiana’s election system this close to Election Day would do more harm than good. “The U.S. Supreme Court has said repeatedly that courts should not issue election-related injunctions at the eleventh hour, and we are pleased that the court of appeals has implemented that directive.”</p><p>But this is no ordinary time, which voting rights advocates in the state had argued in asking a federal judge to issue an injunction ordering state election officials to accept absentee ballots that are postmarked by Election Day and received up to 10 days later. The lawsuit filed by Common Cause Indiana and the state chapter of the NAACP noted that the early receipt deadline “is unjustified in any election, but it is particularly burdensome and unjustified in this election year, when mail delivery is unreliable and the risk of infection from COVID-19 makes voting by mail the only safe option for many voters.”</p><p>In a Sept. 29 ruling Judge Sarah Evans Barker wrote that “The burden imposed by Indiana’s noon Election Day receipt deadline, which threatens to disenfranchise thousands of eligible absentee voters for reasons that, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, are outside their control, is very substantial.”</p><p>Unfortunately, thanks to the appellate court ruling, it’s a burden that Indiana residents will have to bear.</p>