Letter: My response to the Libertarian vote

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>In reference to an opinion column by Mark Franke regarding the Libertarian vote, his reference to Ross Perot really got my attention. In 1992, I was a registered Democrat and Teamster in California. My fellow trucking company coworkers and police and firefighter neighbors were adamantly opposed to NAFTA, which admittedly had a lot of exaggerations floating around (most often regarding hazmat unskilled Mexican semi drivers sharing the road with your family, and that &quot;giant sucking sound&quot; of your jobs going to the Maquilladoras in Mexico.) We all voted for Ross Perot. You’re welcome, Mr. Clinton.</p><p>Of all the &quot;promises made, promises kept&quot; bragging from President Donald Trump like moving our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, 400 miles of border wall, his tax cut Joe Biden will repeal ASAP which netted me a $50 raise on my pension check (I’ll really miss that), canceling the Obamacare individual mandate my youngest son was stuck with, his published list of the judges he would choose from for the Supreme Court before any openings even came up, bringing our troops home, making us energy independent and cutting our gas pump prices in half, repealing NAFTA is definitely my all-time favorite. To those who would say that he didn’t make Mexico pay for the wall, I submit USMCA replacing NAFTA.</p><p><p><strong>Judy Coleman</strong></p><p><p><strong>Bargersville</strong></p>