Letter: Mr. Ladwig has gone off the deep end

To the editor:

The Nov. 2 column in the Daily Journal by Craig Ludwig is full of innuendo and misinformation. Perhaps lies is a better description though.

It suggest Democrats and President-Elect Joe Biden are dishonest, self serving election "thieves" when in reality President Donald Trump is trying to steal the election by declaring himself the winner and making baseless claims of election fraud. There has been no evidence of ballot fraud, but the president is using his office to promote lies and fraudulent claims and arouse his base to dangerous emotional levels. Mr. Ludwig has obviously drank the Trump Kool-Aid and gone off the deep end.

We need more statesmen like Sen. Richard Lugar. We don’t need people like Mr. Ludwig to have a platform for his lies in our newspapers. But perhaps he’s just fishing for a job in the Trump organization.

Robert Bauer
