ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Local officials should make 2021 a better year

A recommended New Year’s resolution for the county’s elected officials is to commit to productive, collaborative leadership.

Although some familiar faces remain at their posts, they are joined by newly elected individuals to make a new team.

Disputes between local government bodies resulted in dysfunction several times over the past year. Notably, the county council and the board of commissioners could not agree on funding to retain the services of an attorney, which brought some decisions to a halt.

On an Election Day that will live in infamy in Madison County, some residents waited more than six hours in line to vote, after which county commissioners and election board members pointed the fingers at each other.

County residents do not benefit from petty disputes among governing bodies.

We expect our leaders to disagree and sometimes passionately debate. This is part of a representative democracy, but nothing good comes from vilifying others based on political affiliation or a personal grudge.

If we take it on good faith that those who run for office have the best interests of the county in mind, then we can expect our leaders to work together to take the best of all their ideas.

The potential is here for 2021 to be a great year for Madison County if the newly elected leaders commit to working together for the good of the county.

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