German woman gets life for kindergarten killing

<p>BERLIN &mdash; A court in Germany has convicted a 25-year-old woman of killing a two-year-old child at a kindergarten where she worked in the western town of Viersen last year.</p>
<p>The Moenchengladbach regional court on Friday sentenced Sandra M., whose surname wasn’t released for privacy reasons, to life imprisonment. </p>
<p>Judges concluded that the defendant had pressed on the two-year-old girl’s ribcage, preventing her from breathing. The child, identified in court only by her first name, Greta, died in hospital two weeks later.</p>
<p>During the trial, the court heard testimony from other children who said they had been physically abused by the woman. The defendant, a German citizen, had previously been fired from jobs in other kindergartens.</p>
<p>The defendant denied hurting the girl and her lawyers said they planned to appeal the verdict.</p>
<p>Under German law she can seek early release after 15 years. </p>