Protesters gather as German lawmakers vote on lockdown rules

<p>BERLIN &mdash; Protesters began gathering in central Berlin early Wednesday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a proposal by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Cabinet that would mandate nationwide restrictions as an “emergency brake” when the coronavirus is spreading too quickly. </p>
<p>The proposal is intended to end the patchwork of measures that has characterized the pandemic response across Germany’s 16 states. It features plans for imposing a nighttime curfew, limiting personal contacts and closing stores, cultural venues and sports facilities.</p>
<p>The measures would kick in for areas where there are more than 100 weekly new cases per 100,000 residents. Germany’s nationwide rate was slightly above 160 cases per 100,000 on Wednesday, according to the country’s disease control center, the Robert Koch Institute. </p>
<p>Merkel has defended the plan as necessary to prevent the health care system from becoming overwhelmed, but state governments and others have found fault with it.</p>
<p>If it passes in the lower house of parliament, the proposal is expected to quickly move to the upper chamber, run by the states, for a vote on Thursday.</p>
<p>If it passes both houses, it would be implemented quickly and apply until the end of June. </p>