ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Graduations should be held in person

Columbus Republic

This editorial was originally published April 15 in The (Columbus) Republic.

Over the last 13 months, we’ve learned a significant amount of new information about COVID-19.

We now better understand how the virus is transmitted, which age groups are most vulnerable, how it can be treated in extreme cases, and what practices best limit the spread of the disease.

On top of all the changes to our daily habits, a vaccine is now available to all Hoosiers aged 16 and older.

These developments have allowed us to resume some normal aspects of life, such as hosting larger gatherings like sporting events, as long as strict health precautions are followed.

While some school administrations have verbally committed to returning to in-person graduations in 2021, Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. hasn’t made any concrete decisions for next month’s ceremonies yet.

Right now, BCSC hopes “modified” graduations will take place, as opposed to last year’s celebrations which were mostly online and spread out over a number of days.

It’s understandable that BCSC wants to wait to give out the fine details — a lot can change over the course of the next month — but right now they should plan on having an in-person event.

Last May, we were only two months into the pandemic when graduations were supposed to take place, so it made sense to go virtual. Now, we know that masks and social distancing are the best ways to help slow the spread, and we’re far less likely to catch the virus if we’re outdoors.

BCSC could hold the graduations at the football stadiums, and limit the number of tickets each family receives, to have a controlled environment. To ensure masks are worn, BCSC could give out face coverings commemorating the special day to both the graduates and attendees.

For those not comfortable attending in-person, the schools could livestream the event like they did for their football games last fall.

While in a much smaller district, Hauser Jr./Sr. High School is tentatively scheduled for May 28 in the school’s gym. That plan could change, but right now students and their families can look forward to celebrations.

This is a very special time of year for a lot of families. Graduating from high school is a milestone in any person’s life, whether they plan on going to college, the workforce or military next.

Local students and families should be afforded the opportunity to have those few hours to celebrate their achievements together.