Letter: Timely cartoon takes me down Georgia voting rabbit hole

<p><strong>To the Editor:</strong></p><p>I love political cartoons. Satire everywhere is censored for practically everything, but political cartoons are still out there and hilarious. Your recent cartoon depicting a man telling the little lemonade stand kid he wanted to know her political opinion before he would purchase a glass is so timely, it’s perfect.</p><p>Studying the recent Georgia voting law that so offended Major League Baseball that they moved the All Star game to Colorado, I saw the existing Georgia law for in-person voter I.D. didn’t change, just the mail-in ballot I.D., which asks for either a driver’s license number, the last four numbers of your social security number, or if you have neither, a utility bill.</p><p>Who can’t supply one of those…or should I ask what U.S. citizen of Georgia couldn’t supply one of those? The other part of the bill the MLB objected to refers to not being able to approach voters waiting in line to give them food or water. I’ve lived and voted in three states and they all post signs outside polling places that no campaigning is allowed within 50 yards or so. Walking along the voter line handing out treats and water while wearing a MAGA hat or Biden T-shirt sounds like campaigning to me. I’ve also never witnessed anyone faint from lack of sustenance while voting.</p><p>The other companies that jumped on this political bandwagon against this logical law for mail-in ballots certainly don’t want to suggest you can cash a check at their businesses without I.D. or that you might think less of their management who shot off their mouths before actually reading the bill.</p><p><p><strong>Judy Coleman</strong></p><p><p><strong>Bargersville</strong></p>