Local police collecting food today at Kroger

Franklin and Greenwood police will collect food today at two local Kroger stores for the Midwest Food Bank.

The drive runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Franklin Kroger, 970 N. Morton Street, and at the east Greenwood Kroger, 3100 Meridian Park Drive.

The Pack the Cruiser Food Drive has been a tradition for police in Hamilton County. This year, the Johnson County agencies are joining the effort for the first time, according to a news release from Kroger’s Central Indiana Division.

Today’s food drive is intended to increase supplies at the Midwest Food Bank to address a variety of needs, including the increase in demand with children at home for the summer, according to the news release.

Hamilton County police agencies will simultaneously collect food at Kroger stores in Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville and Westfield, the news release said.

Particular items of need are peanut butter, jelly in a plastic container, canned fruit and vegetables, cereal boxes, granola bars, applesauce and fruit cups, instant oatmeal, macaroni and cheese cups and canned chicken and tuna.