Greenwood city council OKs annexation

The Greenwood City Council unanimously approved a 104-acre annexation request Monday night.

The 104-acre plot of land is located adjacent to Five Points Road and north of Main Street, east of the city limits, and will be added to the city as agricultural.

Pulte Homes of Indiana requested the annexation, and is the first of several steps. The land is located within a fire protection district, and due to state law, any annexation involving fire protection districts can’t be effective until the second Jan. 1 after the adoption of the annexation ordinance, Tim Oak, an attorney representing the developer, said last month.

The annexation initially started with more than 300 acres. However, one of the landowners withdrew from the process, and rather than making parts of the annexation involuntary, they decided to do just this area for now. Ultimately, the plan is to annex the rest of a property known as the Francesann Property to develop an age-restricted community in the future, Oak said.

The Greenwood Advisory Plan Commission had forwarded the annexation to the city council with a favorable recommendation.