Letter: Republicans shouldn’t poke the majority

To the Editor:

Shortly after I moved to Indiana many years ago, I went into a gun shop in Franklin to buy my son a Christmas present. Several men were having a conversation with the shop owner and I overheard them talking about “the revolution.” I soon realized that they were talking about a revolution against the federal government. They all assured me that it would happen soon and that they would be involved. It was then that I realized I had moved to a part of the country where such attitudes toward the government were not uncommon, and that not only were people talking, some were making preparations.

Well, as we now know, they tried and may try again. If the Supreme Court and Republican legislatures continue to hack away at progressive’s hard-won rights, I see the possibility of another kind of revolution. The right of same sex couples to marry, voting rights, minority rights and the rights of women are all at stake. A retrogressive movement of any magnitude on these issues would surely result in an uproar and social upheaval greater than any experienced in the past, and would lead to violent, nation-wide reactions.

The Republican party is in the minority nation-wide. As a life member, I would urge the party not to pull the tail of the majority giant too hard. The consequences could be disastrous for the Party and country.

Jim Curry
