GPL Column: Take a making journey

Do you remember the thrill of earning badges when you were younger? Trying to fill up a sticker sheet given by your teacher. Trying to earn the next badge in scouts. Or, my personal favorite, trying to fill up your Book It! pin for some free pizza!

There is a reason that earning badges is such common practice to motivate kids. But the truth is, we never stop enjoying earning that next thing. It’s why when my daughter joined Girl Scouts a few years ago, I bought myself badges to earn along with her! (I was also the leader, so I was truly doing the work for them, too.)

But the Greenwood Public Library does not want you to have to go out and buy badges for the thrill like I did. You now have the opportunity to start earning your very own badges in The Studio, our makerspace!

This new Studio Journey lets you earn 12 adorable 1” badges as you master everything in The Studio! Even if you’ve never been to The Studio, the badge journey will walk you through all we have to offer.

For starters, our kit badge will introduce you to the wide variety of kits that are always available in The Studio. We have three main categories of kit badges – papercraft, drawing and painting, and accessories. These kits will help you create fun items like origami, beaded jewelry, and watercolor paintings. Equipment badges will help you master things like creating your own Cricut designs, using our scanner to digitize old photos and slides, and creating amazing laser engravings with the Glowforge.

Our program badge will encourage you to try out new craft projects, connect with local experts in the arts, and try out new techniques during our drop-ins. Of course, I’m partial to the program badge because I host many of the adult programs. But I do promise they really are fun!

The Studio Journey is just for those who are age 14 or older, since it focuses on some advanced techniques and equipment. Once you have earned five badges, you also earn a tote bag. It has a little blank design to add each of the 12 badges, so you’ll definitely be motivated to keep going and earn them all.

Our Studio Journey will be kicking off with The Studio Open House on September 17 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. We’ll be talking about all things badge-related, showing off our new expanded space, and sharing a few of our favorite kits. You’ll also get our special open house badge just for coming.

We hope to see you at The Studio Open House. And then we hope to see you again and again, sporting your new tote bag and cool badges.

Amber Parsons is Head of Adult Services at Greenwood Public Library. GPL staff members share in writing this bi-monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].