Letter to the Editor: Gun owners should come to the table on reform

To the Editor:

When I was 15, my first boyfriend was accidentally shot in the chest by a man with a shotgun and died. In my old neighborhood, a young boy accidentally shot his brother with a gun that was in the household. The brother died; the family is broken. These events happen too often in our nation. Does anyone disagree? In 2021, 2007 unintentional gun-related deaths occurred in the US. This includes the unintentional shootings by children, resulting in 154 deaths and 242 injuries. Most shootings by children occurred at home. I think we all agree that accidental shootings are tragic and preventable.

One of my relatives attempted suicide by gun. He did not die then, but due to the destruction of vital functions and of his face, he never left the hospital, eventually, he died. Guns were used in 24,292 gun suicides in 2021, but this does not account for the massive emotional, social and economic costs of attempted suicides by gun. I think we agree that the tragic loss of life by suicide, is an unwanted cost of our gun culture.

“Nearly eight-in-ten, or 79%, U.S. murders in 2020 – 19,384 out of 24,576” involved guns. No one I know justifies the use of guns for this purpose.

How can we address the accidental, suicidal deaths and murders by gun? We do not intend for guns to produce these outcomes in our society, but we allow far too many people to use guns to cause deaths. Surely, reducing these deaths by tightening gun ownership, gun handling, gun storage and improving gun training will not harm anyone’s target shooting, home protection or hunting activities. We need gun owners to help be part of the solution.

I want to be part of a solution to the problem of accidental, suicidal and murderous deaths because of the misuse of guns. The families of 45,683 people who died last year ask for your help. Gun owners and gun apologists, please help bring a civilized solution to this agreed-upon problem.

Karen Altergott Roberts
