Letter to the Editor: Donate life, Indiana

To the Editor:

Do you have a heart on your driver’s license?

Then you’re among 4.3 million Hoosiers registered to be organ donors – 99% of you made your decision while conducting a transaction with the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or BMV.

September was National Bureau of Motor Vehicles Appreciation Month, when Donate Life Indiana celebrates its longstanding relationship with the Indiana BMV and everything BMV employees do to save Hoosier lives by asking one simple question, “Would you like to be an organ donor?”

This question, asked of thousands of Hoosiers every day, adds up to nearly 1.5 million transactions each year. For eight straight years, Indiana’s donor registry has grown and the Indiana BMV has helped drive that growth through its commitment to our mission. We are incredibly thankful for our longstanding relationship with the Indiana BMV. All Hoosiers should be, too.

More than 105,000 Americans are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, including more than 1,200 Hoosiers. Tragically, 17 people in the U.S. die each day waiting. More registered donors are needed to end the wait. If you’re not registered to be an organ donor, please consider saying “yes” the next time you’re doing business with the BMV.

Tim Clauson

Chair, Donate Life Indiana
