Two local school boards deemed ‘commendable’ by association

Two local school board were recognized as commendable governing boards by the Indiana School Boards Association.

The Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation School Board and Nineveh-Henley-Jackson United School Corporation were both recognized with Exemplary Governing Awards by ISBA.

Clark-Pleasant and Indian Creek are two of 105 school boards honored across the state.

The Exemplary Governance Award was given to the school boards for demonstrating “outstanding commitment to professional learning and student success,” for the 2023 school year, a press release said.

The awards are given annually to school boards across four levels of distinction, Level 1 Commendable awards, Level 2 Advanced awards, Level 3 Distinguished awards and Level 4 Exemplary awards.

Both Clark-Pleasant and Indian Creek earned Level 1 Commendable awards.

Level one and two are based on point totals earned by each board member. Points are earned by each member for attending seminars, workshops, conferences and other learning events. Level 3 and Level 4 require the completion of certain additional criteria such as meeting with an outside facilitator and goal-setting to elevate student achievement outcomes.

The boards will be formally recognized during ISBA’s Spring Regional Meetings across the state throughout April.