Letter to the Editor: Who pays the tax?

To the Editor:

When everything has been considered, there is only one source for all federal, state and local taxes. It’s you, the consumer. The person who works a job producing a product or service. No one else pays a penny in tax. Most people are happy when their direct taxes don’t increase, but instead a new or higher tax is placed on businesses and farmers. But those businesses have to add the tax to their many other costs of doing business and the tax gets passed down the line until it hits the last person in the chain — you.

Ronald Reagan once said there are 151 taxes on a loaf of bread, accounting for more than half the cost of the loaf of bread. You can find similar statements on many other Internet sites. Sometimes the taxes are called fees, permits or licenses. Whatever it’s called — in the end — it comes out of your pocket. Even people who don’t make enough money to pay federal and state income tax, still pay the built-in taxes on everything they buy.

Think about that the next time a politician talks about taxes.

Dennis Sherfy
