Letter: Larry Heydon

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>A recent letter to the Daily Journal questioned why county officials were choosing to fund improvements at Johnson Memorial Hospital instead of the county jail ("Overcrowding jail ongoing problem," May 2). The writer was trying to make a point about county spending priorities, though his point was based on a misconception.</p>
<p>After reaching out to the writer and having a good discussion, he helped me realize that others may have similar misconceptions about how Johnson Memorial is funded. As such, I’d like to offer some clarification.</p>
<p>While Johnson Memorial Hospital is classified as a county hospital, it is not county-supported. We generate our own operating revenue and do not rely on any local tax dollars to maintain or improve the facilities or services we offer to our community.</p>
<p>Our funds are not co-mingled in any fashion with the county. Therefore, no one in county government is prioritizing hospital improvements over the jail or any other taxpayer-supported entity.</p>
<p>Johnson Memorial is committed to being responsible with our capital expenditures, making sure each decision supports our mission of providing quality, service and value to our patients. We are very pleased with the enhancements to our campus that have occurred to date and look forward to future enhancements as warranted.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Larry Heydon,</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right">president/CEO</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right">Johnson Memorial Health</p>